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Top reasons why drill bits break?

Top reasons why drill bits break?

There are several reasons why a drill bit may break while drilling:

  1. Dull drill bit or damaged drill bit will struggle to cut through the material and is more likely to break. Make sure to use a sharp, high-quality drill bit that is appropriate for the material you are drilling.
  2. Excessive force: Applying too much force when drilling can cause the drill bit to break. Use a light, steady pressure and let the drill do the work.
  3. Incorrect drill speed: The speed of the drill should be adjusted based on the material being drilled and the size of the drill bit. Using the wrong speed can cause the drill bit to break.
  4. Using the wrong type of drill bit for the material can cause the drill bit to break. For example, using a wood drill bit on metal will likely cause the drill bit to break.
  5. If the material being drilled is not supported properly, it can cause the drill bit to break. Use a clamp or other support to hold the material steady while drilling.
  6. Wobbly drill If the drill is not held steady or is not properly aligned with the material being drilled, it can cause the drill bit to break. Make sure to hold the drill steady and align it correctly with the material.

By identifying and addressing these common causes of drill bit breakage, you can help to prevent your drill bit from breaking while drilling.

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